For Your Information


Practitioners employed or associated with JBeC are individuals that have a some combination of relevant education, experience and/or training in business, medical, mental, spiritual, or other holistic disciplines.  Individual practitioner credentials are available upon request, and practitioners are matched with clients based on relevant skills. All affiliated practitioners regularly participate in continuing education, and apply personal and professional development principles in their daily lives. While,  JBeC Practitioners could have education, certifications, and licensees in their fields of study, and could be qualified to provide therapeutic or diagnostic services, the services provided to, and the relationship developed with the client, should not be considered therapy.  The purpose of creating and offering collaborative support is to recognize the belief that the best method of healing is one in which the client is empowered to recognize their status of expert on themselves and the Practitioner’s primary role is to encourage the client look inward for solutions, offer fresh insights, provide an external perspective,  and hold space for the client to process their experiences.    


There is not a standardized time frame for resolution or healing.  The client and practitioner will discuss resources and timing in the initial session to determine the best schedule for sessions.  Due to the nature of energy work, some Reiki clients may prefer to schedule on an as needed basis, as opposed to a recurring appointment. 


This type of work can result in intense emotions.  Practitioners are trained to handle those situations and will structure sessions in a way to transition the client appropriately.  If sessions highlight an area of need outside the practitioner’s skill level, the session can be paused to find a more appropriate environment or practitioner.  Any client that behaves in a threatening or abusive manner can result in immediate client termination and contact with proper authorities. In that instance the client waives their right to confidentiality.  


The Personal Development focused Client enters into a collaborative relationship with a skilled Practitioner with the intention of  identifying  goals and the obstacles to meeting those goals, improve lagging skills, access knowledge about psychological dynamics, create new neural pathways, calm the dysregulated nervous system, foster greater self awareness and accountability, explore healthy coping mechanisms for stress reduction, plan for crisis management, deepen communication and intimacy in relationships, and create space for the client to experience life from the most authentic version of themselves as possible. The Client indicates what style session(s) would be most beneficial and indicates if they would like the Practitioner to take a more passive or active role.  The Client - Practitioner dynamics will change as the Client’s needs shift.  In this process, the client is not considered a patient and while  mental illness may be a motive for services, it is considered the same as a medical diagnosis, and is a condition the Client must manage, but is not the client’s identity.  

As it pertains to professional development, the client enters into a collaborative relationship either as an individual, with the intention of clarifying professional areas of discontent, identifying deficiencies that exist within the Client’s daily business interactions and creating measurable goals, or as a business with the intention of evaluating the existing dynamics,  identifying areas of weakness, and finding underutilized potential.  The Professional Client may choose to focus on their personal struggles  and create professional change in the process, or work with the Practitioner to apply various growth techniques in their specific business environment to improve efficiency, optimize employee efforts and promote increased owner success and customer satisfaction, or they may choose to focus solely on solutions for the workplace. 


Reiki Sessions are beneficial for anyone, dealing with anything.  It can be done as a supplement to other interventions or for self care.  Some Clients find that Reiki provides enough relief on its own, that the Client Practitioner collaboration happens on an energetic level and words are not necessary.