August Moon

I have a pretty eclectic set of both spiritual and mental health beliefs. They way they all not only coexist, but integrate, leads to some fairly interesting practices for both my family and me. My children and not children rarely blink an eye no matter what new concept I introduce. I also never miss an opportunity to share my beliefs or give a quick rundown of the psychology or physics behind them.

I don’t believe in punishments, or fighting, or yelling. I believe in accountability, natural consequences, and deep conversations. I believe that being a good partner in any style of relationship, requires authenticity, connection and radical honesty. In my home, when a negative behavior surfaces, I address it immediately. The child, whoever else is involved or spectated the behavior, stop what we are doing and talk about why it’s not acceptable, what’s underneath it, how we can meet whatever need or desire that prompted it, and what consequences did or could have resulted and why it has to be different next time. This level of engagement and communication can be exhausting and some days, I don’t get it anywhere close to right. Some days, in spite of my beliefs, we fight and yell. It also goes both ways. I encourage my little humans to hold me to the same standards.

Given the two dynamics above, growth and change happens rapidly in my household. Grace and space is given and received in abundance, and compassion rather than judgement is the default. Emotions are embraced and examined rather than feared and avoided and every one of my kids and notkids have a wisdom and maturity that exceeds their physical age and traumatic backgrounds.

Last night, we combined psychological therapeutic techniques, the rare Blue Supermoon, nature grounding, and spiritual rituals to do some energy healing work. The goal was to release any attachment to negative emotions connected to people or circumstances. The hope is that we begin responding to those from a place of peace, neutrality, positivity, and conscious thought rather than react from feelings. The rules were simple. Each one of us could participate in whatever way felt the most authentic and intuitive. There was no right or wrong way, and there would be no judgement. Most importantly, the focus remained on ourselves, healing, inviting peace and striving for positivity. This practice was about addressing what is within our control, elevating our responses, and I specified that we were not wishing anything bad, including karma or reaping what they sow, or anything at all negative on anyone or anything.

I do not have the words to adequately convey the pride and love I have for the amazing human adolescents that live in my home. They are bound together by hardship, grief and injustice, but they are a force driven by their love, intelligence, and drive. I’m not sure I’ve ever participated in a more powerful moment or event, as they collectively embraced the opportunity to elevate their psychological, emotional and spiritual consciousness.

I can think of no better method to define success than the above experience. I am sharing this, because what I do, the services I offer, are also the way I live and what I am. I believe that there are individuals in my community that are looking for answers, a way of healing, a life path, that resonates with mine. For anyone that is stuck, wondering if life can ever be better, I want to assure it can and offer hope. I know that the work and the pain of confronting yourself and changing your circumstances is the best choice you will ever make. I encourage you to follow my social media and allow my content to provide support. For anyone that may be looking for assistance on that journey, exploring mental health spiritual or religious, or other similar practitioners, and haven’t found the right fit yet, I encourage you to read my words, view my social media, and if they speak to your soul, follow along for encouragement or reach out to discuss if individual sessions with me would be helpful.


You knew, you know.


It’s Not Fair